Approxiamtion of a B-H curve


New member
Dec 14, 2016
Hi guys:
I'm dealing with an approximation problem.
The data of the B-H curve of a core material (steel M4) is given:

Which then can be plotted using Matlab (blue curve):


I've tried to approximate it with this function (red):
B(H)_{app} = 1.62*(1-exp(-H/11.4))

But the result is not good enough for the calculation.
The area which is really important to me is the one marked green. I need the approximation in this area to be as good as possible. The slope of the curve is also very important, since dB/dH := the permeability of the material.
I'd really appreciate if some one can help me. Thanks a lot.
You say "an approximation", give an approximation, but then say that approximation is not "good enough". So what is "good enough"? What condition are you requiring the approximation to satisfy in order to be "good enough"?