Anyone capable of finding the equation for this problem?


New member
May 8, 2024
Hello, I need help to materialize an equation.

I am using a robot to fill up a given amount of 96 well plates (P).

The robot has 8 channels capable of pipetting up to 1mL in each (capacity C of the channel = 1mL)

r/math - Help me find the equation for this problem. Thank you!

The user can select a volume V to dispense.

We can calculate the number of consecutive dispense the robot can do: Capacity / volume. For instance, if the user wants to dispense 100uL in a single 96 well plate, then the robot can aspirate 1mL, and dispense 10 times in a row 100uL, refill, then dispense twice in a row 100uL. The plate is done.

This process this involves a loop a consecutive dispenses, then a loop of 'how many times' consecutive dispenses has to be done, and eventually, a loop of how many times this has to be repeated to complete the whole set of 96 well plates.

Finally, I put a condition that, if the robot reaches the last set of dispense (the last column), it has to eject the volume that it has in its channel and only aspirate the volume needed. This is meant to prevent apiration errors: For instance, if a user want to dispense 100uL in 12 columns, but only wants to dispense in the first 4 wells of the last column, the robot will aspirate 1mL, complete the 10 columns, aspirate 1mL, do column 11, then blow all the liquid and only aspirate the volume specified by the user in its first 4 chanels and dispense in A12 to D12.

Do you have any idea how to materialize this thing?

Thank you!