aNUTter (7) with 1 e crypt!

Still working on yours, but I solved this one with no 'e':

Is odd mixture following nine insects? (7)
ixodids : anagram of "is odd" follows nine (ix)

Ya got it! :D

BUT plural is ixodidae, isn't it?
That means "is it not". Are you asking if 'ixodidae' is not plural?

I'm not being snide. My question is meant to illustrate a point. There are multiple ways to say the same thing.

miasmas, miasmata, miasms

octopi, octopuses, octopodes

Catch my drift?
I looked it up (cause the word was new to me) in
"any of numerous ticks of the family Ixodidae, comprising the hard ticks".
But worry none: I prefer ixodids :razz:
I looked it up … in
I tried to look it up there, but they just change my typing. I don't like that.

I use multiple references, when solving word puzzles. I start by googling and scrolling through the hits, reading the snippets (often skipping; they've failed me before, too).

But worry none
Heh, heh. I'm not worrying about this. :cool:
Dwellers following nine insects (7)
Was overthinkin' it; lovely crypt. :smile:

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Answer = TENANTS

Dwellers = direct

following nine = TEN

insects = ANTS

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