another two probs

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New member
Oct 13, 2012
i passed my last quiz with only one wrong
cant leave answer as 1/2r =262km/h oh well..

this section i have three solutions and the first is no problem,
but the other two are a little confusing

1) a jar of dimes and quarters contains $15.25. there are 103 coins in all

how many of each are there?

2) a vending machine takes only nickels and dimes. at the end of the day there were three times as many nickels as dimes and a total of $25. how many of each coin were in the machine.

this is the last part of chapter 8 . after my chapt 8 test i am on to unions and more graphing. then im done with alg 1, anyway , can someone help? DAN
i passed my last quiz with only one wrong
cant leave answer as 1/2r =262km/h oh well..

this section i have three solutions and the first is no problem,
but the other two are a little confusing

1) a jar of dimes and quarters contains $15.25. there are 103 coins in all

how many of each are there?

2) a vending machine takes only nickels and dimes. at the end of the day there were three times as many nickels as dimes and a total of $25. how many of each coin were in the machine.

this is the last part of chapter 8 . after my chapt 8 test i am on to unions and more graphing. then im done with alg 1, anyway , can someone help? DAN

Please read the post titled "Read before Posting".

We can help - we only help after you have shown your work - or ask a specific question (not a statement like "Don't know any of these")

Please share your work with us indicating exactly where you are stuck - so that we may know where to begin to help you.

example 1)

moving ahead
18x =90

y=9 not a problem
i have 2 examples to play with for the questions.



this and the next are the examples from the book
(prentice hall)


after decimal removal

a=c=411 a=61=411

these are what is given in the book
i would love to show my work,but i dont have
a clue how they fit into these examples. i would be happy to ask the
teacher, but its adult school and she teaches math and 20 other subjects,
but she is an english teacher. not much help . thats all i can give you

after decimal removal

a=c=411 a=61=411

these are what is given in the book
i would love to show my work,but i dont have
a clue how they fit into these examples. i would be happy to ask the
teacher, but its adult school and she teaches math and 20 other subjects,
but she is an english teacher. not much help . thats all i can give you

You have posted solutions of some problems - without the "wordings" of the problem. We cannot show the similarities - unless you post the "wordings" of these "example" problems.

Anyway, the first problem would look very similar to this example problem.

i passed my last quiz with only one wrong

a=c=411 a=61=411

Whoops! That is sloppy typing.

a does not equal c because they're different.

61 does not equal 411, of course.

Word to the wise: Many people will stop reading, once they realize a need to first decipher the typing. :cool:

The examples show you how to solve a system of two equations containing two variables. You need to write a system of two equations, using two variables that you pick to represent the unknowns that you're asked to find.

For the first exercise, start HERE.

Please come back, when you have specific questions, and we will guide you.

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ok fine

my examples were edited for time.

i will (am) using your link to help sites on google.

gotta tell you though , this site is like pulling teeth

any sites more suited for adults?

i get the feeling you deal with kids trying to get
homework done for them.

i dont have homework or assignments , i study
the chapter sections at my pace and then ask for the

been 25 years since i had homework

anyway thanks for the link
gotta tell you though , this site is like pulling teeth

i dont have homework or assignments

i [self-study] and then ask for the test.

Gotta tell you, too, that getting posters to share information up front is worse than having your teeth pulled.

I get the impression that perhaps you don't feel much like self-study, today? That is, you are your own teacher, are you not? At your own pace?

You only missed one question on your last quiz; you're obviously competent. When you have more motivation, please take a look at one or two of those lessons -- at pages where the presentation make sense to you. If you have a specific question about anything there, I'm eager to answer it, but I really expect that the method will become obvious to you once you study some similar examples.

Cheers :cool:
lets try this

first ,thanks for the help, second in not bewildered(a little) the equations i wrote are not an attempt at those two questions. what i was saying is the book only gives 2 examples. i wrote those. from that, there is about 35 questions to do. i dont have problems with the first set and i can do the last set. i just couldnt fit the 2 questions into either formula. thats it. the links to google help sites worked for me so im ok now.

ps. i did US history 1 and 2 in three weeks,,wanna talk history politics social studies , saturday LA times crossword puzzle . im on it ,,basic math , im great , algebra ,,,,,,,,well cant win them all
im ok now

Oh good.

But remember, if you get stuck on something specific, please come back and start a new thread for each new exercise that you would like to discuss. Be sure to include the problem statement, as well as whatever you've thought about or tried (if you find difficulty expressing why you're stuck).

wanna talk … politics

Don't get me started.

times crossword puzzle

I may hit you up with a crossword query, sometime. :cool:
here we go

a jar of dimes and quarters contains $15.25
there are 103 coins in all.
how many of each are there?





70 dimes and 33 quarters

i think im right
I suggest you start being clearer (to get top marks in all that you do!)

Emphasis mine

70 dimes and 33 quarters : not necessary [to write this line]

Well, yes, that line may be omitted from places like source-code annotations.

Personally, I still enjoy seeing word-problem answers take the form of a complete sentence.

(Please do not go searching ;) )

The jar contains 70 dimes and 33 quarters.

Or some such.

Cheers :cool:
Emphasis mine

Well, yes, that line may be omitted from places like source-code annotations.

Personally, I still enjoy seeing word-problem answers take the form of a complete sentence.
Not to mention that it will shock your teacher and possibly give him/her a heart attack!

(Please do not go searching ;) )

Or some such.

Cheers :cool:

cost-effective homework load-reduction

okay -- thread closed now (not that we're approaching the record…)


If you would like to discuss exercise number two, please start a new thread.

Show us what ya got !

cant leave [previous quiz] answer as 1/2r = 262 km/h

oh well

You could, if the question were to ask, "What is half the rate"?

I remember goofing exam questions because I mixed up radius and diameter somewhere along the way. It only hurts for a little while; you have bigger fish to fry.
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