Another tough nut


New member
Jan 21, 2006
9 0s are placed from 0th cell to 8th cell of an array; 6 1s are placed from 10th cell to end of the array. On the whole, there are 16 cells, so that just one cell remains unoccupied. 0s only move rightward; 1s move leftward. Every move is either a move to the next empty cell or a jump over one cell which has different value. In any case, no two values are allowed in the same square. The goal is to move 1s into 6 leftmost positions and the 0s into 9 rightmost positions. How many minimum moves are needed to achieve this?
Got the grey cells..............
Can anyone break this tough nut???????????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
psoft, if I was a moderator of this board, I'd politely ask you to kindly go away...
Hello, psoft!

This is an incredibly complex problem. \(\displaystyle \;\)Where did it come from?
Is it from a math course?
\(\displaystyle \;\;\)If so, who is your teacher? \(\displaystyle \;\)Ms. deSade? \(\displaystyle \;\)Prof. Torquemada?

Before you tackle this monster, try a simpler version of the puzzle.

There is a board with 7 holes.
There are 6 pegs: 3 red and 3 blue.

They are placed like this: \(\displaystyle \;\) R R R * B B B
\(\displaystyle \;\;\)(* represents the empty hole)

Reds can move only to the right.
Blues can move only the left.

A move consists of moving to an adjacent hole
or jumping a peg of opposite color to the hole.

Follwing these strict rules, reverse the positions of the colors.
\(\displaystyle \;\;\)Final position: \(\displaystyle \;\)B B B * R R R

Try it . . . you may or may not solve it in this milleniuim.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Some years ago, I found a solution for all puzzles of this type
\(\displaystyle \;\;\)but with an equal number of each color.

I am totally uncertain what happens with 9 Reds and 6 Blues.
\(\displaystyle \;\;\)I'll investigate it soon (but not right now).
I'm thankful to those who liked to participate & give an exercise of their brains.And i'm really pity for those who felt otherwise.I'm a computer programmer & have much experience of online forums but i have never seen such hawkish attitude in senior members before,this really disappointed me.Nevertheless i have reasons to be hopeful many people did were interested.

The spirit of maths is inquiring about numbers not others attitude
IF that's the case, you SHOULD have said so right off the bat.

The name of this site is.. is.. is.. "Free Math Help".

I love math puzzles probably more than you do.

If you're a programmer, try this:
What is the solution to this 26 term multiplication:
(a+n)(b-n)(c+n) (d-n)... (z-n)
I do not think that we will ever hear from psoft again.

To Psoft:
The truth is that you were taken seriously by several of us.
Your questions were answered.
Yes, we do find multiposts out if order!
We expect posters to have serious questions.
If you are really a programmer, then you posted these questions as a challenge!
BUT this is a help site! It is not a problem site.
We will then ask you to respect the purpose of this site.
I have to agree: Posting off-topic recreational "challenge" puzzlers to a math-tutoring site is an abuse.

No fair complaining just because the tutors thought you were asking for math tutoring help on this math tutoring forum. :roll:
