Lime said:
I see definitions but no reasoning.
You have been given the definition of a log.....this problem is just an application of the definition.
log<SUB>b</SUB> a is the exponent you use on b to produce a.
If b<SUP>x</SUP> = a, then log<SUB>b</SUB> a = x, and b<SUP>log<SUB>b</SUB> a</SUP> HAS TO BE a.
You have 3 <SUP>log<SUB>3</SUB> 2<SUP>3</SUP></SUP>
What is log<SUB>3</SUB> 2<SUP>3</SUP>? It is the exponent you use on 3 in order to get 2<SUP>3</SUP>. Now, what should you get if you
actually use this as an exponent on 3? (That's what your problem is showing!)
Here's an example of a similar problem:
What is 7<SUP>log<SUB>7</SUB> 5</SUP>?
Since log<SUB>7</SUB> 5 is the exponent you use on 7 to get a result of 5, when you
actually use this as an exponent on 7, what should you get? 5, of course.
I can't think of any other way to explain the reasoning....if you still don't understand what is going on here, you need to "revisit" the basic concept of logs.