Angular Speed


New member
Sep 25, 2005
Find v for each of the following:

a) the tip of the second hand of a clock, if the hand is 28 mm long

b) a point on the tread of a tire radius 18 cm, rotating 35 times per minute

c) a point on the edge of a gyroscope of radius 83 cm, rotating 680 times per minute

I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to use the formula v=rw, where w (omega) is angular speed and r is radius.

I'm not sure how to find w. Could someone please help?
What does "v" stand for? "Velocity"? If so, are you supposed to be finding all speeds in terms of "distance per minute", or some other unit?

Thank you.

w = radians per second.
Once around is 2*pi radians.
a) w=1*2*pi radians per minute (once around for the second hand)
b) w=35*2*pi radians per minute
c) w=680*2*pi radians per minute