mmm4444bot said:
Regarding sequences where a[sub:33lq0wz4]n[/sub:33lq0wz4] denotes the nth term, I learned that symbol a is an abbreviation for a[sub:33lq0wz4]1[/sub:33lq0wz4].
This is why I read your inequality above to say that the nth term in your example sequence can be greater than the first term.
I do not understand how this is possible with a sequence of decreasing terms. :?
On the plus side, thank you for confirming for me that there is room for an infinite number of Real values between any pair of Real numbers. At least I got one thing right.
Jumping from what today's "Calculus" is and abstract analysis can be frustrating, so let us try a more concrete example.
Suppose that \(\displaystyle x_n = b+2^{-n}\) (\(\displaystyle n\) may vary through all the real numbers if you wish as \(\displaystyle x_n > b\) for any real number \(\displaystyle n\)).
Then it is clear that \(\displaystyle \lim_{n \to \infty}x_n = b\), right?
Say we want to prove this: "If \(\displaystyle 2\) is less than every number in the set \(\displaystyle \{x_n\}\), then \(\displaystyle 2\) can be at most the number \(\displaystyle b\)."
Said another way, if \(\displaystyle 2 < x_n\) for every \(\displaystyle n\), then \(\displaystyle b\) must be at least \(\displaystyle 2\).
It is not anything fancy, and when you see it it should become obvious. The assumption is that 2 is less than everything in the sequence. You cannot find a counter-example unless the hypothesis is satisfied and the conclusion is contradicted. That is where the original poster's counter example failed.
So the assumption is that 2 is less than \(\displaystyle b+\frac{1}{2}\). It is less than \(\displaystyle b+\frac{1}{4}\), \(\displaystyle b+\frac{1}{128}\), \(\displaystyle b+\frac{1}{4096}\), ... etc.
The indirect proof goes like this: if what we are trying to show is not true, i.e., if \(\displaystyle 2>b\), then we can find some real number \(\displaystyle m\) (in fact infinitely many) such that \(\displaystyle 0 < (\frac{1}{2})^m < (2-b)\). But then \(\displaystyle b+2^{-m} < 2\). That is, an element of our set (\(\displaystyle x_m\)) is less than \(\displaystyle 2\)! This goes against our assumption, so the claim that \(\displaystyle 2>b\) is false.
For example, if \(\displaystyle b = 1.999999923245673463.....\) (take it to be some irrational) then you can verify \(\displaystyle b+2^{-30}\) is less than 2... which does not satisfy out assumption.
So the "best" \(\displaystyle b\) can be is exactly the number \(\displaystyle 2\). If its anything smaller, no matter what valid sequence we pick, a contradiction like this will happen.
I hope that helped.
But yeah, on your last point, it is quite mind-blowing. Its easy to say "its common knowledge" and do the proofs and think you "know" something... but really there is much more going on in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{R}\)than most realize. Just for fun: there are-
tremendously-more real numbers between \(\displaystyle 0.00000000001\) and \(\displaystyle 0.00000000002\) than their are rational coordinates in any \(\displaystyle n-\)dimensional space.