analysing a formula


New member
Mar 29, 2012
As I am just learning this subject I am unsure if I have this correct. Can someone please take a look and let me know if I am correct ? Thanks kindly.

Using this formula:
I = 6/5(1-e^-20t)
I need to briefly explain what happens to I for t> or equal to 0.

My attempt is:
at t=o, I=0. A t progresses, 'I' quickly increases to a limit of 1.2 at approx. 0.62t. From then on, any higher value of t is limited to I=1.2.
to a limit of 1.2 at approx. 0.62t.

This makes no sense. Please rethink what you believe a limit to be.

t is increasing in magnitude and direction
-20t is decreasing in direction and increasing in magnitude
e^(-20t) decreases to zero from the positive direction and is everywhere positive.
1-e^(-20t) increases to unity (1) from below.

You have it right, but you may be calculating too much and understanding the concept too little.