An Answer Too Far...


New member
Nov 23, 2021
Hello ppl,

A dusty read on centrifugal pumps features some formulae I got covered pat. The last lines on the p. include straight-line fractioned multiplic. to calculate density ratio from temp. and pressure (absolute) but arrive at a figure differing from what I and Google Calc. can muster.

Before I move on with chalking the number to public. error, I'd like an extra pair of eyes to confirm the product as *1.17*. See attach.—thanks.


  • d-r_ratio_calc._(abs._p&t)-02.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 13
I'd like an extra pair of eyes to confirm the product as *1.17*
Hi North_Star. You are correct (rounded to the nearest hundredth).

Their 700/578 is correct, but reduced to lowest terms is 350/289.

Their 58/60 is correct, but reduced to lowest terms is 29/30.

The product ought to be 1015/867, however, not 1100/1000.
