My daughter is just starting out in algebra and on a take home test she received a bonus problem that had not been covered in the material (hence, I assume why the teacher makes it a bonus). I can figure out the answer through process of elimination but I can not figure out what the actual formula would be to solve it and that is what gives the actual bonus points. Any help would be's the question-
On a farm there are horses and three legged cows. There are a total of 131 heads and 486 legs. How many horses are on the farm?
I figured out there were 93 horses by using plugging in vairables of 131 then multiplying them out by the legs...someone please show us how we should have properly found the answer. I should know mind is this close <makes small hand gesture> to figuring it out but I'm still in the dark.
On a farm there are horses and three legged cows. There are a total of 131 heads and 486 legs. How many horses are on the farm?
I figured out there were 93 horses by using plugging in vairables of 131 then multiplying them out by the legs...someone please show us how we should have properly found the answer. I should know mind is this close <makes small hand gesture> to figuring it out but I'm still in the dark.