
3/7x + 5/9y = 27
1/9x +2/7y = 7

Your problem is unclear. Use parentheses to state the problem correctly. Is the first equation (3/7)x + (5/9)y = 27, or is it 3/(7x) + 5/(9y) = 27?

Fix the second equation also.
Hello, ejsgran!

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{ccc}\frac{3}{7}x + \frac{5}{9}y &= & 27\\ \\[-3mm] \frac{1}{9}x + \frac{2}{7}y & =& 7 \end{array}\)

\(\displaystyle \text{Multiply both equations by 63: }\;\begin{array}{ccc} 27x + 35y &=& 1701 \\ 7x + 18y &=& 441 \end{array}\)

\(\displaystyle \text{Now use your favorite method . . . }\)