Hi Cashley:
When you ask for help, it's a good idea to state exactly for what the exercise is asking. Otherwise, we have to guess.
After looking at the given statements, I guess that the instructions ask for Al's current age and Bob's current age.
Is that correct? If so, then start by picking symbols to represent these two unknown ages.
Write them down so that your teacher can see what you're thinking. I'll pick the letters A and B as symbols, but you're free to choose any symbols you like; the important thing is to write down their definitions.
A = Al's current age
B = Bob's current age
Now we can write expressions using the two numbers A and B.
For example, the expression for Al's age last year is A - 1. Does that make sense?
Likewise, if we subtract 1 year from Bob's current age, then we get an expression for how old Bob was last year, too.
B - 1 = Bob's age last year.
Can you use these expressions A - 1 and B - 1 to write an equation that models the statement: "6 times Bob's age last year equals Al's age last year"?
To model the statement: "3 times Bob's age three years from now, plus 10 more years, equals Al's age three years from now", you'll need to use expressions for Al's age three years from now and for Bob's age three years from now.
So, what expressions use the numbers A and B to represent these ages three years from now?
Let us know what you come up with, for the two equations that model the given statements.
It will also help us, if you let us know what you already know about solving a system of two equations.
~ Mark