It is impossible to tell if you do not show your proof. Or are you saying that you could not complete the proof? Please show us how far you got so we can see where you are stuck. By the way, please read Read Before Posting. It will help you get quicker and more useful answers.Let x > -1 be a real number. Prove by induction that (1 + x)n > or equal to 1 + nx, for all natural numbers n. Where in the proof did you make use of the fact that x > -1?
It is impossible to tell if you do not show your proof. Or are you saying that you could not complete the proof? Please show us how far you got so we can see where you are stuck. By the way, please read Read Before Posting. It will help you get quicker and more useful answers.
Maybe this will help me if I know what these mathematical terms mean such as: real number, induction, natural numbers, and proof.
First, I agree with everything mmm says. Furthermore, the statement of the problem is clear enough. That was not the intent of my questions. Let's try a different way. Do you know what it means to prove a mathematical statement? Do you know how to prove a statement by mathematical induction? If the answer to both those questions is yes, then we probably can help you. If the answer to either is no, then I think you need face-to-face instruction.Dear JeffM,
I am not sure exactly how to do this word problem. I did read the math problem and this is exactly what it says as for what I typed out below. I will maybe find an example on how to do a proof, but I am not quite sure on how to do the problem and where to start at. I have read the rules about posting and will try to show exactly what I have come up with. Maybe this will help me if I know what these mathematical terms mean such as: real number, induction, natural numbers, and proof. I am disabled and have hard time with comprehension and understanding.