Algebra - word problem


New member
Feb 7, 2006
A study found that among those who never or almost never drank coffee, the occurrence of liver cancer ws 547.2 cases per 100,000 people over a ten year period. For daily coffee dringers the risk was 214.6 cases per 100,000. Find the percent change in liver cancer risk for coffee drinkers.
547.2/100,000 = .055
Is this done correctly?
pboland said:
A study found that among those who never or almost never drank coffee, the occurrence of liver cancer ws 547.2 cases per 100,000 people over a ten year period. For daily coffee dringers the risk was 214.6 cases per 100,000. Find the percent change in liver cancer risk for coffee drinkers.
547.2/100,000 = .055
Is this done correctly?

You have the correct format -- %change = (original%-new%)/original% -- but you misfigured. If 547.2/100,000 = .055, then 214.6/100,000 cannot be merely .002.
Re: algebra

pboland said:
Every time I divide 214.6/100,00 I still get .002

To determine a percentage of increase or decrease, calculate

original value - new value
original value

Work with the original value (547.2) and the new value (214.6) and change the answer you get to a percentage. You don't need to use the 100,000 in figuring the per cent of change. A change from a higher original value to a lower new value is clearly going to be a percentage decrease.

60.782 or 61%
Right on.

BTW The original error was in 547.2/100000 = .005472 and wrong original value.
(.005472-.002146)/.005472 would have given the same answer.