Algebra Problem


New member
Mar 22, 2011
Now you know more than one way to write a function. Explain the difference between working with y = 2x+4 and (f)x = 2x+4 . What are the advantages of each type of notation? Which would be preferred and why?
dominict said:
Now you know more than one way to write a function. Explain the difference between working with y = 2x+4 and (f)x = 2x+4 . What are the advantages of each type of notation? Which would be preferred and why?

Please share your work with us, indicating exactly where you are stuck - so that we may know where to begin to help you.
These are thought questions. Please provide your thoughts. There is no formula for this. You must exhibit understanding and comprehension.
dominict said:
(f)x = 2x + 4

This is not correct function notation!

You better study the lesson again, before you attempt to answer this exercise, as you have not yet learned what they're talking about.

If you have a specific question of your own, about either the lesson or this exercise, please ask it. 8-)
