Algebra 2 Graph Domain and Range? Check my work please?


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Ok, I'm not really sure how to make a graph on this, so I will give you ordered pairs to let you make one yourself so you know what I'm talking about. I need to find the domain and range and whether it is a function or not.

Graph 1: This one is a hyperbola with arrows on the end and the points, just to name a few,
On the right side: (5,10), (4,6), (3,0), (4,-6), (5,-10)
On the left side: (-5,10), (-4,6), (-3,0), (-4,-6), (-5,-10)
I think that this is not a function because the vertical line test intersects part of the graph more than once.
Domain: (-?,-3] U [3,?)
Range: (-?,?)
Are these right?

Graph 2: This one is a straight line that is continuous to infinity.
Ordered pairs: (-10,-3), (-5,0), (0,3), (5,6), (10,9)
This is a function right?
Domain: (-?,?)
Range: (-?,?)
Are these right?

Thanks for the help