Alg 2 Class-Final Test-Study Guide-NEED HELP!!!!


New member
Feb 28, 2006
Hey guys! Almost out of Alg. II now (thank god)... Have a final coming up soon and I have most of the stuff we've covered over the term down.

However I have to cover these kinds of problems since these kind will be on the test. Teacher gave us 12 to do off a study guide worksheet as practice, I got some of them because of groups at school.

Sadly however I am having trouble with the following. If anyone can give me some insight on any of these listed (doesn't have to be all of them) as far as how to do each one (step by step preferrably) and how you came to the correct answer it would be of great help to me. I know these are more or less simple but I forgot how to do these ones with the multiplication, lots of terms, exponents /etc. I.E. the non-basic ones.

Thanks A bunch!

Oh and also there are a few im not 100% sure about that I did, please let me know if I got the answer right.

Oh and the one i wrote at m13/1 I noticed that it was actually 1/m13 so nevermind that one.

Click on the picture for a bigger one that is readable.

Didn't really look through it all but on..

#2, you said 3^2 = 6.

#6 factors nicely. I am not sure what you did here...

#5 the 24 at least is wrong. everything in the ()s goes to the bottom.

#8 you should convert the division to multiplication before attempting anything...

#9 you cannot cancel out terms realted by addition/subtraction. you may only cancel factors.

There's probably plenty more mistakes, but I think you need to start from the beginning and with the most basic of problems. I tutored algebra for the last two years and find your mistakes to be very common and they are only cured by doing massive amounts of practice. Trial & Error is what its all about.
thnx a bunch! Any further help would be welcome.

Yeah we went over this we 3 other sections (class was behind) in 1 day so she just did like 3 probs and let us have a wack at it.

And yeah I know how to factor #6 out now, I do stupid stuff sometimes..get easily frustrated. :?

And never learned how to change that into multiplication..probably something obvious.