Airplane ticket price calculation


New member
Jun 4, 2019
Hey I'm in the National 5 Maths and we just got this homework, I tried multiple algebraic expressions to find the price of each but to no avail. Please help :)
''100 people are on a plane. Some people have tickets for $70 and some have tickets for $50. The total raised sum from the plane tickets was $6240. How many people bought $70 seats, and how many people bought $50 seats?''
Hello, and welcome to FMH! :)

What did you try that didn't work?
Hello, and welcome to FMH! :)

What did you try that didn't work?
I did a couple of things that just didn't work heh..
if x= 1, then
obv this doesn't work :p
then I 'came up' with this:
100=50x +70y
if x= 1 then...
so 50 people bought $70, but then if I did if y=1 then 30 people would have bought $50 tickets which sums up to 80 in total, so what about the other 20 haha..
I am probably making it more difficult than it actually is, so please help with untangling the mess I made :)
This equation is good:

And I would divide by 10 to get:

Now, we also know that the total number of passengers is 100, so we may write:

Now we have two equations in two unknowns, and an exact solution can be obtained...can you proceed?
simultaneous equation! haha immediately rang to my mind once I saw it, thanks! 62 would have $70 tickets and 38 would have tickets fro $50 :)