AIME Question: Let S be a set with six elements


Junior Member
Apr 8, 2006
Let S be a set with six elements. In how many different ways can one select two not necessarily distinct subsets of S so that the union of the two subsets is S? The order of selection does not matter; for example, the pair of subsets {a,c},{b,c,d,e,f}represents the same selection as the pair {b,c,d,e,f},{a,c}.
Trenters4325 said:
Let S be a set with six elements. In how many different ways can one select two not necessarily distinct subsets of S so that the union of the two subsets is S? The order of selection does not matter; for example, the pair of subsets {a,c},{b,c,d,e,f}represents the same selection as the pair {b,c,d,e,f},{a,c}.

I think that you mean two not necessarily disjoint subsets of S.
Let’s agree on some notation. \(\displaystyle S = \{ a,b,c,d,e,f\}\).
If \(\displaystyle T = \{ a,c,d\} \quad \Rightarrow \quad S\backslash T = T^c = \{ b,e,f\}\).
So note that, \(\displaystyle T \cup T^c = S\); and \(\displaystyle U^c \subseteq V\quad \Rightarrow \quad U \cup V = S\).

Now be very careful, do not over count!
Here is one pair: \(\displaystyle \left\langle {\emptyset ,S} \right\rangle\).

To count the pairs \(\displaystyle \left\langle {\{ a\} ,V} \right\rangle\) V can be any subset of S that contains the complement of {a}.
There are just two possible V’s: {b,c,d,e,f} & S.
Thus for each one element subset, there are two subsets that can be paired with it.
This gives us 12 more. (So far we have 13.)

To count the pairs \(\displaystyle \left\langle {\{ a , b\} ,V} \right\rangle\) V can be any subset of S that contains the complement of {a,b}.
There are just four possible V’s! What are they?
Thus each of the 15 two-element subsets, there are four subsets that can be paired with it. How many more does that give us?

To count the pairs \(\displaystyle \left\langle {\{ a , b , c\} ,V} \right\rangle\) V can be any subset of S that contains the complement of {a,b,c}.
There are just eight possible V’s! WHY?
Now at this point remember: be very careful, do not over count!
There are 20 three-element subsets. BUT we have already counted some of them because the complement of any three-element subset is a three-element subset.
Hence how many of these parings are there if we avoid the over count.

Now there are three more cases for you to consider.
Four-element subsets paired with 4, 5 & 6 element sets.
Five-element subsets paired with 5 & 6 element sets.
And S itself.
Again in each case, be very careful, do not over count!
pka said:
\(\displaystyle U^c \subseteq V\quad \Rightarrow \quad U \cup V = S\).

Also, what are U and V, and what does \(\displaystyle U^c \subseteq V\quad\) mean?
Trenters4325, please do not be offended by my comments. I mean them to be helpful.

Your questions indicate to me that your background does not make you ready for this question. Do you know that there are 64 subsets of any set of six? Therefore, there are 2016 distinct pairs of subsets. Hence the sheer number of possibilities makes this problem impractical to do by anything but advanced set theory. If I were you I would skip this one in favor for one I am prepared to do.
No offense taken. But can you still tell me what that symbol represents and what U and V are--I'm just curious.
Trenters4325 said:
can you still tell me what that symbol represents and what U and V are?
U and V are just any subsets of S.
If the complement of U is a subset of V then U u V = S.
So if we have any pair of subsets of S say <A,B> then
A u B =S if and only if one of A or B contains the complement of the other.
Thanks, and what about that symbol that looks like a sideways U with a line segment under it?
Trenters4325 said:
Thanks, and what about that symbol that looks like a sideways U with a line segment under it?
This symbol \(\displaystyle A \subseteq B\) is notation for A is a subset of B.
BTW: Could you please give me the link to this problem.
I think the way it is stated seems a bit advanced for an AIME question.
Please give us a reference.