Hi, I don't have a specific question about a specific problem but this is more of an advising question about learning Algebra. The degree I want has a requirement for Math 095, intermediate algebra. This is the "fast track" class, meaning you take Math 090 (I took this 5+ years ago) and then jump to Math 095, the slower route is Math 090, then 091, then 093, then 095. I'm very confused on which route to go, if I'm able to do the Math 095 class, then I'm done with math, finito. However, if I have to go back and do the slow route I have a lot more math classes to take. Now I did take Math 090 and with the help of a tutor I got an A, this was years ago though, and I forgot a lot of what I learned. This is the 2nd week of class starting up (math 095) and a lot of the homework is confusing to me. Right now we are factoring polynomials, learning about perfect squres, difference of cubes, etc. I can follow along when he explains it, but when I try to apply it to the problems in my homework I have difficulty. One of the main problems I have is either A- I'm not sure what they are asking or B- I incorrectly execute what I'm supposed to do. In all honesty it's hard for me to connect the dots, to look at a polynomial and just see how it factors out. I'm also not very good with raw numbers, just looking at a number and seeing the factors of it, so when I need to split and factor by grouping, etc, it's hard for me to do this. I can usually figure it out, with time, trial and error, etc.. but the math teacher and an aid in the tutor center cautioned me that this is one of the hardest math classes there and I find I've wonder what I've gotten myself into. I really really really don't want to take the slow route if I don't have to, but I'm faced with a very hard class and the possibility of failing. Either option is not appealing, well idealy, I'd like to pass this class.. lol. I guess I just wonder if I can do it, I wish I could look into a crystal ball and decide that. I can learn, as evidenced by my A in Math 090, but this class is a lot harder and I'm a bit rusty. Any advice, or suggestions on how to be successful in 095 or any hints, tips, etc would be greatly appreciated, thanks so much