Advanced Algebra or College Algebra? Reference


New member
Aug 10, 2017
[FONT=&quot]I was wondering what the difference was between textbooks or books that teach Algebra at different levels (elementary, intermediate etc.) and College Algebra. Do College Algebra textbooks cover all levels of algebra and more, or is this some advanced new algebra. P.S. Not referring to linear Algebra, unless if that is what college Algebra is about.[/FONT]

The phrase "college algebra" is not well-defined, as algebra courses vary from school to school and, sometimes, even from instructor to instructor (within the same school).

At some colleges, they offer high-school level algebra courses and college-level algebra courses. If you take a high-school level course at a college campus, it may or may not be referred to as "college algebra".

There's no consistency, but my experience is that "college level" algebra courses would be numbered 100 or higher and include topics like functional relationships (direct and inverse variation), solving systems of equations (two- and three-dimensions), arithmetic- and geometric-sequences. In other words, some pre-calculus topics.

Yet, what one school calls "precalulus" another school may call "algebra" (eg: introduction to matrix arithmetic, parameterizations, inductive proofs).

If you desire specifics, then describe the particular texts you're comparing (title, author, and publisher) or contact the math department (or an instructor) at the school you're thinking about.

What is your math background, so far? :cool: