Advance Trangle Angle Problem


New member
Jan 7, 2006
Heres a picture i drew of the problem


The question is prove: Angle A + Angle B = 45°

I find this problem involving algebra and very complicated, so im stumpted right now.
Please any help is much appreciated :)
The angle A=arctan(1/2) (written is degrees).

Thanks for helping but please explain more i don't understand what you are trying to say.
Do you have a calculator?
actan(1/2)+arctan(1/3)=? (Make sure it is set to degrees!)
Make sides of squares = 1;
do you "see" 2 right triangles:
legs 1 and 2 with angle A ; legs 1 and 3 with angle B ?

Btw, that's geometry, not algebra.
Dennis i understand what you are saying and i see the two triangles.

How does that prove that angle A + Angle B = 45 degrees?
Do you understand the trigonometric functions?
Do you understand the inverse trigonometric functions?
Otherwise I cannot think of another way do this clever problem!
\(\displaystyle \L
\tan (A^o ) = \frac{1}{2}\quad \Rightarrow \quad \arctan \left( {\frac{1}{2}} \right) = A^o\)

\(\displaystyle \L
\tan (B^o ) = \frac{1}{3}\quad \Rightarrow \quad \arctan \left( {\frac{1}{3}} \right) = B^o\)

\(\displaystyle \L
A^o + B^o = \arctan \left( {\frac{1}{2}} \right) + \arctan \left( {\frac{1}{3}} \right) = 45^o\)
my understanding of trigometry is very poor so im trying to solve this very clever problem with out using it.

Thanks for everyone's suggestions and help :)
DKchan said:
my understanding of trigometry is very poor so im trying to solve this very clever problem with out using it.

Thanks for everyone's suggestions and help :)

I don't think this problem is particulary "clever," and I do think you need to know basic trigonmetry to solve it. Please re-read the responses you've been given, and try to use what you know about doesn't take anything all that complicated.
A right triangle has legs = 3 and 4; prove that hypotenuse = 5.

"my understanding of trigometry is very poor so im trying to solve this very clever problem with out using it."

So you would say same thing to this?