A train travelling at 90 km/h takes 45 s to pass a crossing. How long was the train, in metres


New member
Mar 25, 2023
A train travelling at 90 km/h passes a car sitting at a railway crossing. It took 45 s for the train to pass. How long was the train, in metres.
A train travelling at 90 km/h passes a car sitting at a railway crossing. It took 45 s for the train to pass. How long was the train, in metres.
Hi @ALittleFroggy, ?

This is a simple problem involving Speed, Distance and Time and those quantities are related by the equation:-

[math]Speed = \frac{Distance}{Time}\left(or\; S=\frac{D}{T}\right)[/math]
We don't just give out "answers" here (the clue is in the name: it's free 'help' we offer) so we need to see what attempt(s) you have made to answer your problem first. (A picture of your working is fine; you can just "Attach" that to your reply post.)

One little hint I will offer you is that you will find it easier to reach an answer if you consider how fast the train is travelling in metres per second rather than kilometres per hour. (90 km/h = ?? m/s.)
How many metres are there in a kilometre and how many seconds in an hour?

Please show us what
you have done to get an answer and we will tell you if that's correct or show you how to improve your attempt to get the right answer.

Hope that helps. ?
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