DenisI am Broad-church Anglian."Spiry Catholic". (assuming pka is Catholic...)
Ahhh ye poor lad: yer outta luck: only Cathlics go to heaven...
Anyway, you can't be a dedicated follower: there's a "c" missing in Angli(c)an
Must have been High Church AnglicanAll this religious brouhaha reminds me of an old joke:
Catholic guy: Father, my beloved dog just died, and I'd love a full funeral for it...
Father Soso: Oh I'm sorry my son, but we don't do that...
CG: oh well, guess I'll have to go see the Anglican Minister...but he'll charge me 8000 bucks...
FS: What? Oh but my son, you never told me your dog was Catholic...
the use of bold faced type to call someone a "psychotic liar" is excessive
Calling somebody a psychotic liar on the boards is excessive regardless of how it's typed.
Anyone who crosses the line in this way earns a two-week vacation from the boards. This vacation will be immediate (i.e., as soon as it comes to my attention).
Here is a link to our FORUM RULES.
OK then. Happy to have my error pointed out. I suspect that the next two weeks will be unusually free of rancor.Calling somebody a psychotic liar on the boards is excessive regardless of how it's typed.
Anyone who crosses the line in this way earns a two-week vacation from the boards. This vacation will be immediate (i.e., as soon as it comes to my attention).
Here is a link to our FORUM RULES.
But Denis is abusing the Cricket players all the time - he should at least go to corner for that...
If I am going to be sent to the corner very often, I don't care about cushy, but I do hope it's near the faculty bar.He should go somewhere.
I've noticed what appears to be a trend, where Denis (not solely) winds up on the Math Odds&Ends board. Perhaps, future "abuse" of the sort that you mentioned will wind up there, as well. Then, you can send him to the corner of the Math Odds&Ends board? Where exactly is the corner, anyhoo? It's not in the sub-basement; I know, 'cause I've been down there before. (Very cushy!) :grin:
Happy to have my error pointed out.
Hey Mark, your chance to construct a cryptic clue
why did you use "That" at start?