A simple sumation probelm


New member
Jul 26, 2013
I was trying to improve my abilities to recognize a series and be able to convert to a summation.
I came up with the following problem:
if i buy 2 adult rabbits in week 1, and every 2 weeks the adult rabbits have a pair of baby rabbits, and after 8 weeks the baby rabbits are adults and have baby rabbits every two weeks as well.
how many rabbits will i have in 1 year?
so week 1 : 2 rabbits(week i came home with them)
week 2: 2 rabbits(1st of the every other week count)
week 3: 4 rabbits...
then on week 11 i get two baby rabbits from the first pair of baby rabbits.
problem is I couldnt solve it.
i started of with something like (n-1) + (n-9) + (n-11) .... + (n-49)
but this isnt right notation since im really wanting to say at 3 n-1 can be used, at 11 n-9 can be used etc. and n would have to step up by odds. and after all that id only have the rabbits from the parents and 1st set of babies..
how would i come up with a summation or formula to describe this? I have a felling there might be a factorial in this somewhere..
