A question on infant formula ratios


New member
Dec 15, 2020
Hi all!

I know this is going to be a random ask but I really need help. I am mixing oatmeal into my baby's formula everyday and was trying to find a way to make it easier. Especially for on the go. The ratio is 1 scoop of oatmeal to 2 scoops of formula. If I make a larger mix of 5 scoops of oatmeal to 10 scoops of formula, would even ratios come out when i want to take from that larger mix for one bottle?
… would even ratios come out when i want to take from that larger mix for one bottle?
Hi Ms. Thompson. It is true that the ratio [1 to 2] is the same as the ratio [5 to 10]. However, it will be difficult to maintain a thorough mixture of dry ingredients because much of the powdered formula will shift through the dry oatmeal and settle in the bottom of the container. Instead, I'd pack small ziplock bags -- each storing a single-serve mixture. Alternatively, I'd pack oatmeal and formula separately and take a scoop with me.

Have to agree that single serving is the way to go. Haven't done this with baby food but have many times for horses and we always put a single serving in a single bag.
Yes, see how much the bottle holds, and use 2x the formula to the oatmeal. I always make half a cup of oatmeal and more than half cup of water. But, you mix that with milk, butter and raisins. So there is more liquid to finish the recipe. When you heat the oatmeal, the water evaportes to a half oatmeal half liquid, thats why you must ad more liquid (butter and milk). this is for a 6oz cup. Trial and error works on this math problem.
Don't forget to add salt! (one pinch or less for a baby)
… mix that with … raisins …
Hello elizabot. I don't know the age of Ms. Thomson's child; I'm posting this information for all readers (based on what I've seen in the ER). I know that some pediatricians accept feeding whole raisins to toddlers as early as seven months of age. I don't think that's a good idea, whether the raisins are cooked or not. I agree with those who advise waiting until 18 months. Cheers, everyone.
