Problem 1: A force vector can be descrbed by two methods: rectangular (x, y) or polar (magnitude and angle) coordinates. Conversion from polar to rectangular coordinates \(\displaystyle \big(\overleftarrow{x},\, \overleftarrow{y}\big)\, \Leftarrow\, (F,\, \theta)\, \) can be made by:
. . . . .\(\displaystyle \overleftarrow{X}\, =\, F\, \cos(\theta)\, \mbox{ and }\, \overleftarrow{Y}\, =\, F\, \sin(\theta)\)
Use the equation editor to show the conversions for \(\displaystyle \, (F,\, \theta)\, \Leftarrow\, \big(\overleftarrow{x},\, \overleftarrow{y}\big).\)
In Excel, calculate the values of \(\displaystyle \, (F,\, \theta)\, \) if \(\displaystyle \, \big(\overleftarrow{x},\, \overleftarrow{y}\big)\, =\, (5, 7)\, N.\)
Hint: You need to find F and \(\displaystyle \, \theta\, \) since x and y are given. The conversion between coordinates was established earlier in the problem.
I need to use excel for this and I'm confused. Please help.
. . . . .\(\displaystyle \overleftarrow{X}\, =\, F\, \cos(\theta)\, \mbox{ and }\, \overleftarrow{Y}\, =\, F\, \sin(\theta)\)
Use the equation editor to show the conversions for \(\displaystyle \, (F,\, \theta)\, \Leftarrow\, \big(\overleftarrow{x},\, \overleftarrow{y}\big).\)
In Excel, calculate the values of \(\displaystyle \, (F,\, \theta)\, \) if \(\displaystyle \, \big(\overleftarrow{x},\, \overleftarrow{y}\big)\, =\, (5, 7)\, N.\)
Hint: You need to find F and \(\displaystyle \, \theta\, \) since x and y are given. The conversion between coordinates was established earlier in the problem.
I need to use excel for this and I'm confused. Please help.
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