A company is valued at 5 million when first starting, one year later it is at 25m ...


New member
Apr 22, 2016
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

2nd. A company is valued at 5 million when first starting, one year later it is at 25 million. Write an exponential equation and find when it will reach 200 million value.

2. Relevant equations
I have used log on both sides but keep getting an incorrect answer.

3. The attempt at a solution
How would solve this type of equation. I set the bases both to 5, make them equal to each other and i cant get the right answer.
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
The equation is equivalent to \(\displaystyle (5)^{-2x-6}=(5)^{3x+9}\).
So solve \(\displaystyle -2x-6=3x+9\)