5/ x^2 + 3/2x = 1/x: i get 2(5)+3x+2x^2 or 10+3x=2x^2


Junior Member
Apr 25, 2009
The original problem is 5/ x^2 + 3/2x = 1/x
the least common multiple is 2x^2
so i multiple each number by that ie

2x^2 times 5/x^2 + 2x^2 times 3/2x = 2x^2 times 1/x

i get

2(5) + 3x = 2x^2 or 10 + 3x = 2x^2

i get the feeling this is where the problem is-can someone help please
Re: 5/ x^2 + 3/2x = 1/x

5/ x^2 + 3/2x = 1/x means \(\displaystyle \frac{5}{x^2}+\frac{3}{2}x = \frac{1}{x}\). If this is not what you mean please use parenthesis to clarify. I don't have the time to guess what you mean. Will be glad to help, but I'm not interested in working a problem that isn't the one you mean to present.
Re: 5/ x^2 + 3/2x = 1/x

I copied the problems as written but if you would like me to write them some other way thats fine
i think you want it written as
5/(x^2) + 3/(2x) = 1/x
ginny1029 said:
I copied the problems as written but if you would like me to write them some other way thats fine …

… 5/(x^2) + 3/(2x) = 1/x

If they used a slash, instead of a fraction bar, then they wrote it wrongly.

Yes, we would like you to use standard typewritten notation because 3/2x is ambiguous. It is ambiguous because there is no way to determine whether the x is in the numerator or denominator, without an investigation.

Strictly speaking, 3/2x means 3/2 times x (which places the x in the numerator).

With 3/(2x), it is clear that the denominator is 2x.

The same ambiguity arises with expressions like 1/x + 3 - x/x + 4. What does this mean? (Who knows!)

Grouping symbols make it clear: 1/(x + 3) - x/(x + 4)

You can read more about how to properly type mathematical expressions by pointing to the drop-down menu titled, "Forum Help" (at the top of this page), followed by selecting "Karl's Notes - Typing Math".

ginny1029 said:
… the least common multiple is 2x^2 so [I multiply] each number by that …

get …

… 10 + 3x = 2x^2 …

This is very close; it looks to me like you forgot to cancel a factor of x on the righthand side, when multiplying by 2x^2.

(1/x)(2x^2) does not equal 2x^2.

Thank you for showing your work. If you're supposed to solve for x (you have not stated any instructions that you received with the original equation), and you get stuck, then let us know.

Re: 5/ x^2 + 3/2x = 1/x

yes i totally saw it as an x instead of the 1over x
thank you!!!