2 eqns in 3 unknows: 0.35T + 0.35P + 0.70R = 57960, 0.15T + 0.35P + 0.70R = 86520


New member
Mar 27, 2018
0.35T + 0.35P + 0.70R = 57960
0.15T + 0.35P + 0.70R = 86520

I need an answer for T, P and R... I'm struggling because i only get answers in terms of and not alone.
0.35T + 0.35P + 0.70R = 57960
0.15T + 0.35P + 0.70R = 86520

I need an answer for T, P and R... I'm struggling because i only get answers in terms of and not alone.
You can get unique answer for 'T' (=-114240) - but not for all 3 with the given 2 equations.

Looking at the problem a bit more carefully, P and R does not have a solution!

Did you copy the problem correctly?