Checking Profile Pages


Super Moderator
Oct 6, 2005
From what I've seen in some replies, not everybody checks a poster's profile page before responding.

By far, most users leave their profiles blank, but some posters put useful information there (eg: age, school, course description, math experience, goals, spam or gibberish -- yes, even spam and gibberish are useful when discovered there).

Also, each time a user clicks a link, vBulletin updates their "Last Activity" time stamp, and that info is displayed on the profile page. Hence, another reason for checking a member's profile would be to verify whether they've been on the site since your last reply. For example, if you see that their last activity was 10-15 minutes after you had posted a delayed reply which still sits at the end of the thread, then you may want to consider (before commenting further) their probable view of your existing comments yet lack of rejoinder.

I would like to suggest that contributors begin checking profile pages; doing so may save time for everybody, in the long run.

It's easy to quickly glance at a profile page (takes all of 10 seconds): left-click username, hold shift+control key, left-click View Profile (to display in new tab). Ctrl+W closes that tab and returns you to the post. (That's how it works in Chrome. Your browser may vary.)

Some spammers pose as math students. More often than not, they post something halfway sensible in their own thread (or somebody else's), yet they put garbage on their profile page that identifies them as spammers or non-spamming jerks. I have seen some of these fake math questions generate long threads with the OP never returning.

If you check their profile page, please report anything questionable.

Here's a recent example of what seemed on the up-and-up, until the profile page was checked.

SpamProfile4.JPG SpamProfile5.JPG

This spammer is not in Canada. They are in China. They have registered here before, dozens of times, always picking gibberish username, gibberish interests, "Man" in the biography, and usually an uploaded spamming home page. This same pattern of gibberish appears on member's profiles from six countries across three continents. I've removed nearly 225 such accounts over the past 90 days.

FoeseeSheeD :
Country: China
State/Region: Guangdong
City: Shenzhen
Latitude: 22.5333
Longitude: 114.1333

The spam was for cellphonejammer sales. Why would anybody pay money to jam? I just turn on the radio. :???: